Robin Schulz (ZoroGarb) vs Jeff Kolenc (Malamar) in the finals of the 2018 World Championships. ~ Jeff was caught cheating on stream after the event and was stripped of his 2nd Place title.
Connor Pedersen (BuzzGarb) vs Magnus Pedersen (Banette Garbodor) in the finals of the 2018 World Championships.
Naohito Inoue (BuzzRoc) vs Sebastian Enriquez (BuzzRoc) in the finals of the 2018 World Championships.
Pedro Torres (Rayquaza) vs Jeff Kolenc (Malamar) in the semifinals of the 2018 World Championships. ~ Jeff was later caught cheating on stream in the finals and was stripped of his 2nd Place title.
Robin Schulz (ZoroGarb) vs Brian Miller (Zoroark Golisopod) in Top 8 of the 2018 World Championships.
On the final day of the 2018 World Championships, the best was saved for last, Juniors TCG Finals, Seniors TCG Finals, Master TCG Finals, followed by each VGC finals.
The entire stream from Day 2 of the 2018 World Championships.
Aaron van der Kolk (BuzzGarb) vs Natalie Millar (BuzzGarb)
Tyler Ninomura (BuzzGarb) vs Ojvind Svinhufvud (Zoroark Garvdevoir)
Zakary Krekeler (BuzzRoc) vs John Roberts II (VikaBulu)
Joe Bernard (Buzzwole) vs Sean Foisy (Rayquaza GX). Starring Will Post!
Robert Kinbrum (Buzzwole Magcargo) vs Patrick Landis (ZoroGarb)
Aaron Tarbell (Gardevoir GX) vs Stefan Wagenaar (Rayquaza GX)
The entire stream from Day 2 of the 2018 World Championships. Including VGC.
The entire stream from Day 1 of the 2018 World Championships. Including the opening ceremonies, VGC, & Pokken Tournament!